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Monday, April 30, 2012


Okay, many of us have been bitten by the Pintrest bug... and I'm glad you were able to peel yourself away long enough to check out my blog. There are so many fantastic finds, and it's a great way to keep track of things you want to try, or are just inspired by. SO... I've been inspired.

My husband is a Meteorologist for a television news station here in Idaho Falls. With the joy of being on television, he has to look good at all times... and that means he wears a suite 6 days a week. Not the problem in our closet... his ties laying around EVERYWHERE is.

I've tried a lot of different methods, and even bought him a tie rack that you hang in your closet for Christmas a few years ago... however... that became over crowded way too fast.

So, thanks to the inspiration of Pintrest, I got the idea to hang a towel rack behind the door in our walk in closet. It's taken me MONTHS to find the perfect fit. (I knew if I settled it would just drive me crazy and I would have to re-do the project anyways.) Then I realized, one rack may not be enough. But I found the perfect fit! It's a three towel rack that you hang on the back of the door. This way I wasn't drilling any more holes into our closet. I got it at Bed Bath & Beyond for $10. I figure I would have spent that much, if not more, on a tie rack that actually worked for him.

I absolutely love the finished product. This way he knows exactly what he has and It keeps all of his ties off of the floor!

Happy Pinning!