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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My "lil pumpkins" Hats

We're not even halfway through September yet but there is already a nip in the air. Fall is on its way!
I love this time of year! I don't know exactly why, but there's just something homey about it. My mothers kitchen is decorated with pumpkins, and I have some of the best memories sitting up to her counter, drinking hot cider out of pumpkin mugs, and eating Navaho tacos with my family.
It's probably the nostalgia of it all. Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and bundling up to rake leaves... All great settings for those family photos.
Now while the idea may always be amazing in you're head, sometimes you can't capture the feelings on camera. One year when my husband and I were engaged, my mother MADE us all go to the pumpkin patch for a family photo. Not a big deal you might say. I forgot to say WHILE IT WAS POURING RAIN and even started to snow! My husband didn't find this amusing at all, especially being a weather man, and was grumpy the entire time. So much for a "happy family." On a side note: he married me anyways.
Now that I have my own family, I try to keep some of the family traditions I grew up with alive.
When my first daughter was born, I made her the cutest pumpkin hat. I loved it so much that I made sure we made it to the pumpkin patch (don't worry it wasn't raining) and took a family photo! Then after I had my second little one, my aunt gave me one for her. So we'll be heading back to the patch for more picture taking!

So... If you're feeling the need for your "little pumpkin" to have a hat of their own I'll make you one. They're $15. Please email me with you're order cucoats@gmail.com. Make sure you include what type of brim you would like (ribbed or rolled.) and I'll get it to you before the Jack-O-Lanterns are carved!
Happy Harvest!


  1. Such darling little hats on such darling little girls. I want one - rolled edge, size 4T.

  2. I love, love, love the new look of your Blog. Keep the great ideas coming!
